Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sunday, August 8, I took Mariah to The Old Mill to do a photo shoot. Her friend Ariel met her there and after the photo shoot, she called me and said that Arial would bring her home. When they got home, she asked me if she could spend the night with Arial in North Augusta. Mariah seemed in a pretty cheerful mood to be getting out of the house and spending time with a friend. I talked to her on Monday and she said that she had a seizure Sunday night but that Ariel was with her when it happened and that she was ok. She spent Monday night at Ariel's as well. When she got home on Tuesday, she was very tired and went to lay down in my bed pretty early. At 11:00 pm, I went to bed and heard Mariah whimpering. She said that her leg was twitching. Her left leg was twitching like when she is seizing. I rubbed her leg with lotion and had her press her foot against my hands as hard as she could. She said that it helped and the twitching finally stopped. She had another episode with the right leg twitching on Wednesday (August 11) evening. I did the same thing, rubbed her leg and had her press down on my hands as hard as she could. I am not sure what is causing this twitching in her legs.

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